Acceptable Use Policy


The GrowMore Recruitment Acceptable Use Policy aims to safeguard both the company and its users by defining how systems and infrastructure should be accessed and utilised. This policy aligns with the values and professional standards of GrowMore Recruitment, ensuring that individuals are aware of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours to prevent risks and liabilities.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party users of GrowMore Recruitment’s information assets, systems, and resources, including those provided to support our website and associated online tools and software solutions.

General Statements

GrowMore Recruitment provides its information systems and resources primarily for authorised business purposes. Reasonable personal use is allowed, provided it does not compromise company information assets or client data. Users must not access, modify, download, copy, delete, or transmit GrowMore Recruitment information except as permitted by published policies and procedures.

Users are prohibited from engaging in activities that interfere with the access or activities of other authorised users, or from participating in any illegal activities under international, national, or local laws. Any conflicts with legislation will be addressed by Senior Management.

Acceptable use excludes creating, processing, downloading, storing, sharing, or communicating material that is offensive, including:

  • Sexual content
  • Racial or ethnic commentary
  • Gender-specific commentary
  • Offensive comments regarding age, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, political beliefs, national origin, or disability

GrowMore Recruitment reserves the right to monitor employee, contractor, and third-party user access to information systems, email, and voicemail to ensure compliance with this policy and to respond to legal investigations.

Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Systems

All information systems must be protected by passwords and security controls as documented in the Password Management Policy. Users must only access systems they are authorised to use. Attempts to bypass security, access unauthorised data, or use another’s account will result in disciplinary action. Users must comply with the Access Control Policy and not engage in hacking activities.

Information systems must be protected by antivirus software and other security tools. Updates and patches should be applied promptly after evaluation. Users must cooperate with instructions for hardware and firmware upgrades to maintain secure operations.

Users must not use information systems to handle obscene, offensive, defamatory, or illegal material. This includes breaches of copyright or intellectual property rights.

GrowMore Recruitment’s network infrastructure is for authorised purposes only. Users must not disrupt network connectivity or undertake activities that increase traffic volume or nature, causing disruption. The network is continuously monitored.

All software installations on GrowMore Recruitment systems must be approved through change management processes, ensuring they are evaluated for security vulnerabilities, authorised, properly licensed, and installed according to vendor guidelines. Monitoring and auditing of installed software are conducted regularly.

Acceptable Use of Email Systems

Reasonable personal use of GrowMore Recruitment email facilities is permitted with Technology Director approval. Personal emails are processed, stored, and screened as business communications. The company may restrict personal use at any time.

Users should be cautious of opening emails and attachments that may contain malware and must comply with the Malware Policy. Macros in Word or Excel documents should only be enabled if from a trusted source.

Emails authored by GrowMore Recruitment must be reviewed for proper classification and handled according to the Information Classification & Handling Policy. Email systems must not be used for commercial ventures unrelated to the company, sending offensive material, or communications that could be considered harassment.

Users must address communications correctly, share only public domain information unless covered by a non-disclosure agreement, and ensure professional conduct in forums or discussion groups.

Acceptable Use of Internet and Web-Based Groups

Internet access is provided primarily for authorised business purposes. Reasonable personal use is permitted, but users must not access or search for websites containing offensive material.

Acceptable Use of Telephony Systems

GrowMore Recruitment telephone systems are for authorised business purposes. Personal calls are permitted with Manager approval, should be kept short, and made to landline destinations where possible. International calls should be for business reasons only.


All users covered by this policy are individually responsible for complying with its terms. Compliance is included in the Terms and Conditions of Employment and job specifications. The Technology Lead is responsible for addressing breaches of this policy through disciplinary action.